Reframing Christmas (and free tap-along for inner peace!)

Christmas and the holidays are very different this year.

One of the most liberating and unique Christmas years I had was when I chose to spend Christmas by myself, alone.

My friends and family expressed concern: “Alone? At Christmas?” insinuating, ‘What on earth are you thinking?!’  (or even not thinking!)

But actually it was a deeply loving act.

However it looked from the outside, from the inside it meant I redefined this time of year to suit me exactly.

I planned it how I wanted it and met my needs in such direct ways that I was overjoyed. Reframing and redefining allows us to meet experiences as we are, rather than trying to contort ourselves and others into expectations that no longer fit!

The world is in enormous flux right now. We are all in the caterpillar- butterfly goo! Lots is being asked of us. There is so much we are powerless over, and yet we’re able to start with creating things as we would like them from the inside out.

When we are fulfilled inside, our world outside changes. 

You might like to ask:

  • If I was to really gift myself what I needed this Christmas, what would that look like?
  • Would it be to treat yourself with softness and kindness?
  • To have laughter and connection with friends and loved ones (even if remotely)?
  • To dive deep into culture, nature or meditation?
Take time to listen to which unique experience will serve you!

My gift this year is permission (if you need it!) to make this time of year exactly right for you. And if this spans an hour, a day, or the whole of Christmas and 2021, I really support you with it.If you need a boost, or a bridge into stillness and slowing down, here’s an EFT Tap-along for inner peace to help you connect and rest and replenish and restore.