News, Press & Blog

EFT Tap-along to create inner peace

EFT TAP-ALONG TO CREATE INNER PEACE This time of year can be crazy! As nature slows down, we speed up! With this in mind I have recorded a new EFT tap-along for inner peace and stillness amidst the holiday demands. As we hurtle towards … READ MORE

Happy Patterns: EFT Workshop at PATTERNITY

HAPPY PATTERNS EFT WORKSHOP AT PATTERNITY  Rhona is delighted to announce her latest collaboration with PATTERNITY Rhona will lead an EFT workshop to boost your serenity, alter your inner-script and transform how you communicate with the most important person in … READ MORE

Favourites: My 5 favourite raw-vegan restaurants

Buckwheat coconut kefir

Great health starts with great food! The raw-vegan food scene has become synonymous with inventiveness, creativity and a passion for delicious flavours, along with being enzyme-rich. Yes long gone are the days when being a vegan or vegetarian means sitting … READ MORE

Why we make a mess when we are upset

I created the saying “Only unhappy people drop litter” when I noticed the relationship between our inner and outer worlds: when we are disconnected from our environment we are unhappy, we feel separate, cut off, perhaps even unimportant. These feelings … READ MORE

Simple practices for spaciousness – Prima

Doing nothing is good for you! Conversely being in a state of constant “doing” causes our levels of cortisol to rise which has been linked to weight gain, heart disease and depression. Showing up to these simple spacious practices on … READ MORE

Great Expectations (for the holiday season!)

Christmas and the holiday season are perhaps the time of greatest expectation. We expect great things of ourselves and others and we want a reward for all our hard work in the form of the perfect Christmas: perfect food, home, partner, friends and presents… not to mention family members! Whilst it … READ MORE